Added 3 New Missions to Airlift Game!
The update is live at
The update is live at
Get the free iOS game at
Finding and installing our Android test apps on the Amazon Underground app & the mobile site was unnecessarily difficult. My workaround is to open test invite emails on the desktop and then add apps to wishlists to be able to find them on mobile devices more easily.
DetailsHere’s what’s new in the upcoming Airlift beta. Sign up at
Should you use GameSalad to build your first game? How about the next one?
This week we’ll have a new test build of Airlift Game- version 2.13.
Now you can be one of the cool kids with a limited edition Airlift T-Shirt. Order yours today!
This week we’ll release a new iOS Testflight beta with the following changes:
This week we will release a new build with the following new features: